viernes, 30 de abril de 2021

INTERNATIONAL BOOK DAY Emilia Pardo Bazán She was born in 1851, in La Coruña. She was a noblewoman brought up in an affluent family. She was a novelist, journalist, poet, literary critic who brought in the naturalism in Spain. She was also a pioneer in the defense of women's rights and feminism. His open-minded father influenced her in her love for literature and for women's rights. Having private teachers and traveling a lot allowed her to acquire a vast culture and knowledge, although she could not go to university, in which women were not allowed. Nevertheless, She refused to limit herself to domestic chores and made herself one of the great writers of Spanish literature, whose most successful novel was "Los Pazos de Ulloa". The book takes place is in the rural environment of Galicia at the time when caciquismo prevailed, and where the most basic instincts were above any reasoning. The young priest Julián Álvarez arrives at the Pazos de Ulloa to serve as administrator of the cacique Marqués Don Pedro Moscoso. The priest is frightened by the neglect that he finds: the palace threatens ruin, the library is run-down and the accounting adulterated. However, nothing shocks him as much as the moral abandonment of its inhabitants. The whole environment influences each of the characters, including Don Julián, a cultured and refined man who ends up being a victim of the oppression of the atmosphere that sorrrounds him. It is a stunning and memorable story, masterfully narrated, with detailed descriptions of the places, characters, and feelings. Each character, from the marquis to the humblest villager, is extremely interesting and full of nuances. Were I to sum up the book in one word, it would be stirring. Without any doubt, one of the best novels of the century that has been written. ALBERTO MORENO MORENO REVIEW OF A FEMALE WRITER
DIA INTERNACIONAL DEL LIBRO INTERNATIONALER TAG DES BUCHES JOUR INTERNATIONEL DU LIVRE INTERNATIONAL BOOK DAY 23 de abril, Día Mundial del Libro. Lecturas con voz de Mujer Con motivo del día internacional del libro, el profesorado propondrá al alumnado lecturas de escritoras para adultos y para niños y dará a conocer autoras que tuvieron que esconderse bajo pseudónimos masculinos en un tiempo en que a la mujer no le estaba permitido dedicarse a la literatura. Entre las actividades de aula se realizaron las siguientes: - mediaciones de críticas sobre libros - una crítica de un libro o bien individual o bien en grupo -un club de lectura en el que se comparta un libro favorito. - sacar los libros de la biblioteca de aula a las mesas estilo mercadillo de libros - escribir un relato corto. En el caso de que el alumnado sea masculino, podrían escribir con un pseudónimo de mujer.👧 - Investigar por cuenta propia escritoras relacionadas con la cultura e idioma que estudian... - proponer una lectura común para luego abrir un debate en clase - alguna idea propia....
WHO´S BEHIND THE MASK? QUI SE CACHE DERRIÈRE LE MASQUE? Wer versteckt sich hinter der maske