martes, 5 de enero de 2021

25 de Noviembre- día Internacional contra la Violencia de Género

Con idea de dar un enfoque y visión positiva del hombre en el día contra la violencia machista o de género, os proponemos escribir algo breve que ilustre “comportamientos no machistas” de hombres hacia mujeres de vuestro entorno familiar u hombres famosos: puede ser un relato breve, una receta que heredaste de tu padre, un gesto no machista, un regalo no sexista, etc. 

 I have got three sisters and three brothers and I remember when I was a child  how my parents gave us the same treat to all of us. Some days my brothers and I had to do the washing up and some days my sisters had to pick wood up for the fireplace because they always said that everyone in the family would have the same obligations and opportunities in life, so we grew up sharing everything at home.

Nowadays we are quite tolerant thanks to them.

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